

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Ideal Education for A Better World

Education is the first step for human to learn. Everything of human’s known-abbility come from this aspect. Yes it’s true when peoples says that education is the window of the world, moreover more than the world but space and beyond. Education is the most important aspect of life, so it has to be taken carefully and in ideal proportion.

These days the world become closer and more open to explore. Every kind of thing, information, and culture come from every corner as rapid as a bullet and continously over and over again. Unfortunately, there’s no such a filter to restrict the information come, because not the all of culture of local culture is the same with global culture. All content can enter easily without being rejected and filtered. This situation can damage people of the next generation, they can forgetting the norms that this country has. Our local culture is containing some norms that have to be respected. So the content of all information can be filtered if norms enforced to be the content filter. 

This globalization situation can be used as the opportunity to learn more and more. But this situation also can be harmful, so the ideal education is needed to handle the situation. Ideal education is the way of education that has an ideal manner in teach and education. How to bulid ideand al education is the homework of this country, because it’s not easy to build and applying it in real life situation, but can start it as fast as posible. The ideal education can be startehnbvbvbvbvbbd by by school, by the teacher and student in the class, they can start it with apprehending and observing globalization and it’s impact to the local people. Not just teacher and student, but all people can do it too. The next step is applying the norms in real life, by applyig we can be formed into the ideal type of people that have a good manner and responsibility. 

By doing and applying ideal education, the better world can be materialized and a good comunity can be formed as the time goes bye. So, the ideal type of education has many effect  for human life, the world, and the next generation sustainability.  Information, technology, communication, learning platforms, even payment platforms is the real  evidence now of the impact from ideal education. 

Serch, find, explore, then learn and apply it. Step by step as the time goes bye and the sun comes out till goes down. If we don’t start it by ourself, who cares with all those impacts for the world of education.